Get old Gmail from new Gmail

A few days ago Gmail changed its theme and provided its user’s the new look.
But a lot of people complaining me about this. So i found out the way to get the old gmail back.
Well, I founded the way the same day I moved to new gmail from old one (as i disliked it) but doesn’t thought that many peoples will dislike it.
So this are steps to get back to your lovely old gmail.

1. Go to mail home page
2. Click on the setting button (located near to paging above all displayed mails) Continue reading

Sending mail from my host/gmail

When I was new to php I was sending mail using php’s basic mail() function, but later I came across phpMailer class, which can be used to send mail using any host of your choice (Gmail, for example).
This is an simple code script needed to send an mail using your host and login details.

//including phpMailer class
//creating object for phpMailer class
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->From = "Your Email";// example
$mail->FromName = "Your Name";// example Ravi Continue reading